Monday, March 23, 2009

Five goals we must all achieve before you die.

In the time allotted to us, we are given the opportunity to choose between an infinite amount of goals to accomplish. These are my first five choices. I am sure through every person’s top five goals there is a common thread that runs; see for yourself:

Achieve Enlightenment
"Why does this make the list?" Are you serious? C'mon!

Become the first black president
Who better than me to take those people into the future?

Save a whale, single-handedly
Implicit in that goal is my less specific goal to become the world's strongest white male!

Walk around the world
I suppose I will first need to accomplish a lesser goal of connecting all the continents... My will be done.

Annex Alaska
We must breed Prizzlies!!!

Be the first to discover the Fountain of Youth
I must beat my sister because I know she won't share...

Thank you
and have a nice day.

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